Just my thoughts on sermons and words I have gleaned from time to time. I hope you find them as helpful as I have.
My Family

My Family
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Forgiveness relates directly to grace and how we have accepted Jesus. That, of course, doesn't make it easy. Grace is something we don't deserve. Dictionary.com defines grace as free and unmerited favor. There is nothing we can do to deserve God's grace. There is nothing we can do to keep it. Jesus paid the price for it. Bc He did that, I have been forgiven of much. What, you say, did I do that was so bad? Well, God doesn't rank sin so all sin is black to Him and all sin must be separated from Him. So you may not think my sin is bad -- my sin, however, held Jesus to the cross. He died for me!! Just like He died for YOU!! Forgiveness is what we receive when we receive grace. Likewise, we should practice forgiveness. Remember, sin is not ranked by God. So someone else's sin against us still needs to be forgiven. We have been forgiven much; thus we must forgive much. I choose to forgive...
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